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As a leading peptide company, under current globe peptide market with more and more competition, making full use of own advanced technology and manufacture means, Shine Peptide Co., Ltd. (SPC) located its peptide business >>>

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  • GMAP (1-41), amide

  • Cecropin

    This 35-residue peptide shows activity against differenttumor cell lines.…

  • Acetyl-Adhesin

    This peptide can specifically inhibit binding of a cell surface adhesin of Strept…

  • Angiotensins

    Angiotensins are formed in biological fluids by the enzymatic cleavage of protein…

  • Fmoc-(Dmb)Gly-OH

  • [Cys] beta-Amyloid (1-40)

    The synthetic peptide beta-Amyloid 1-40 was found to enhance the aggregation of b…
